This is a series of 11 articles about the bridges I visited as part of the trip I undertook in the summer of 2019 which was partly subsidised by the Prag Award. I explore the historical context within which each bridge was built, its structure, structural behavior, and construction. I also further discuss the advantages of certain bridge designs, the difficulties faced in the design of each bridge and materials and structural elements common to many bridges, not only those which I have studied.
My incentive to research bridge design arose from my realisation that I knew so little about the structures that are so fundamental to the functioning of society. I chose to study the bridges in France not only because this is where the famous, Viaduc de Millau is located, but also because throughout history, France has been one of the global front-runners in innovative civil engineering design, resulting in a large amount of varied and unique bridges within a relatively small area. And now more than ever, the symbolism of bridges is vital, showing how essential connection is to the development of liberated and prosperous societies.